Are we becoming Kinectihumans?

A while a go I tryed out new Microsoft upcoming gadget that will change the whole meaning of playing video games, watching movies and nothing is going to be the same anymore. I know you have got it on your mind allready, it's Kinect for Xbox 360 formerly known as a Project Natal.

I was astonished, that little device with multiple eyes in front - cameras, IR and CMOS sensors is looking at you and the charachter in the game copy every  your move. It is a funny thing, that if you look from far away and you only watch the Kinectihuman (the player), honestly he looks like a moron waving, jumping, punching in the air. And he even smiles.

The official launch of Kinect to public is set to November 4, 2010. I believe this will become euphoria where everyone will want to have it, youth and adult will be playing some sports game and children will like Kinectimals, where they will cuddle and play with lions, panthers,... But hey! Watch it, you must tell them, don't do this in reality.

I tryed a few games where the charachter does everything you do - wawe to the crowd, opens mouth, shake hipps ... virtual reality where everything is allowed. You even don't need a remote anymore for watching movies, you simply move your hand to stop, to play, volume up / down. I can't imagine if that thing can do so much thing and it hasn't been released yet, what are going to be able to do it's successors.That is the whole reason I decided to write about it. We have all seen Matrix, haven't we? That's the thing, the times when everything was Sci-Fi are changing to reality. I imagine when people won't be able to judge what is real and what is virtual, because everything in virtual space is becoming so real. When will Matrix of our time begin to rise? The Kinect is just a begining and the path you will choose it is up to you!


Gringo pravi ...
24. november 2010 ob 11:11

The Kinect is awesome. I am looking forward, that Kinect will be also used in some other matters than just for entertainment, like in medicine.

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