Apple iPad $ 2.260,00

Although Apple's first Tablet PC was the target of criticism, because it does not have support for Flash applications, has been the respond of the public at official launch amazing. However the entry model, which has Wi-Fi and 16GB built in memory, cost $ 499 and for it's purchase eagerly awaited more than 700 people.

The stock of Apple iPad run out in just a few days and can be purchased only in USA at the moment. At foreign markets sells like gold. While the model with built-in 64GB memory capacity cost $ 700, the Indian Apple fans easily buy them for even $ 2.260,00.

Apple iPad prices are quite high on eBay also, for model with 64GB memory capacity can be sold up to $ 1.200,00. When it comes to Apple products, only the sky is the limit for Apple fanatics.


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