Large Hadron Coolider with speed of light

Today the dreams has came true in CERN. Proton particles were coliding at three times greater speed than before. This has set a new milestone in the reasearch, which should give new answers of the creation of space.

The particles were coliding at energy 2.5 TeV, but today at 7 TeV for the first time. This is equal to 18 milion km / h, which means the particles would travel large hadron coolider 11.245 time in a second. Experiments at the power 7 TeV will be on going for 18 to 24 months, including a small technical maintainance by the end of 2010.

LHC operates with a half power, the main objective is 14 TeV, which means 600 milion colisions / s. At CERN hope, that they will suceed to deepen the knowledge of dark matter, antimatter and possibly hidden dimensions of space and time.

Large Hadron Coolider was built in 2003, financial help was contributed by more than 20 countries. The cost of the project is cca. 4 billion $. United States of America and Japan contributed the most of the financial help, although they are not members of CERN organization, just an observers.

The tunnel is 27 kilometres long, 46 - 150 m under the ground. Some skeptics and scientist were concerned, that the project would make black holes on planet Earth, but CERN has excluded this phenomenon. I hope they are right, or else it could come to end of the world.


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